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Former Undergrad Lab Members
Samantha was working on Odonata wing landmarking and SEMing Zygoptera genitalia. | Erin has entered the PhD program at Rutgers and is now in the Maslo Lab. | Ciara graduated from Rutgers and is now working on her Ph.D. at NYU! |
Kimberly has graduated and is at U Michigan for Veterinary School. | Mia graduated from NJIT with a major in IT and a minor in Business and would like to pursue a graduate degree in biological sciences. | Polythore wing and genitalia landmark team! wing morphology pipeline. She's so Dragon-fly! |
I am an undergraduate with an interest in dragonflies, with an interest in Stem programs and am currently a mentor and ambassador in the LSAMP program. In this lab I am working on Aeshnidae. | Insect diversification-collection database. Loves little libellulids! | Polythore DNA pipeline! Biochem is his thing! |
Daniel Troast analyzed DNA samples of Pantala flavescens collected from distant locations around the world. He now works at Columbia University. | Former Undergraduate | |
Former undergrad | Former under grad | Former Undergrad |
Former undergraduate | Former undergraduate |
Jeevitha Anthony - Wing scanning and Landmsrking team!
Laila Salari - Wing scanning and collection database!
Arianne Wallace - Polythor wing and genitalia morphology pipeline! Recently barcoading!
Jack Kellog - Computer vision to explain mimicry rings of clearwings butterflies and polythore damselflies.
Teschwinder Jaswal
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